Thursday, April 14, 2005

What do those genetic tests from Enterolabs mean?

Several of you have wanted more information as to what these genes mean.....this is from Enterolab.

"Interpretation Of HLA-DQ Testing by Molecular Analysis and Conversion to "Serologic Equivalent": Today HLA-DQ gene testing is done by analyzing DNA using molecular techniques. In the past, the methods were done by analyzing blood cells for the antigens produced by the genes, and these past methods were responsible for the most commonly known nomenclature for HLA-DQ genes even today (using integers such as "DQ2"). These are called "serologic equivalents" to the specifically analyzed gene material. The serologic equivalents are as follows:

* If the first two numbers of the molecular type are 05, the serologic equivalent is DQ1 subtype DQ5
* If the first two numbers of the molecular type are 06, the serologic equivalent is DQ1 subtype DQ6
* If the molecular type is 0201, the serologic equivalent is DQ2
* If the molecular type is 0301, the serologic equivalent is DQ3 subtype DQ7
*If the molecular type is 0302, the serologic equivalent is DQ3 subtype DQ8
*If the molecular type is 0303, the serologic equivalent is DQ3 subtype DQ9
*If the first two numbers of the molecular type are 03 but it is not 0301, 0302, or 0303, the serologic equivalent is DQ3
* If the first two numbers of the molecular type are 04, the serologic equivalent is DQ4

The gluten sensitive, celiac genes are HLA-DQ*0201 and HLA-DQ*0302 (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8, respectively).

The other gluten sensitive genes are any molecular type involving another HLA-DQ*03xx number (i.e., HLA-DQ3), or any HLA-DQ*05xx number, or any HLA-DQ*06xx (i.e., HLA-DQ1)

If you have one gluten sensitive gene, then your offspring have a 50% chance of receiving the gene from you, and at least one of your parents passed it to you. Having two copies of a gluten sensitive or celiac gene, means that each of your parents, and all of your children (if you have them) will possess at least one copy of the gene. Two copies also means there is an even stronger predisposition to gluten sensitivity than having one gene and the resultant immunologic gluten sensitivity or celiac disease may be more severe.

For more information about result interpretation, please see
Thank You For Allowing EnteroLab to Help You Attain Optimum Intestinal And Overall Health."


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